About STEPS Training
TIPS/BASSET is designed to encourage profitable, responsible, and legal alcohol sales and service in jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of Alcohol.
Due to this recent change in state law, all alcohol servers, bartenders, managers and bouncers who check ID must meet the mandatory requirement to have a BASSET certification in order to work in all counties in the State of Illinois. All new hires must have their certification within 120 days of being hired. For more information about the program visit the Illinois Liquor and Control Commission.
Know the risks:
- Risk of lawsuits by over-serving
- Risk of lives if you serve a drunk driver
- Risk your livelihood if you sell to a minor
Objectives of the Program are:
- Train and educate sellers and servers to engage in responsible alcohol service
- Spot signs of intoxication and utilize various intervention techniques
- Prevent DUIs and alcohol-related fatalities
- Stop underage sales and underage drinking
- Create safer environment within communities that establishments serve alcohol
- Educate owners, managers and staff on DRAM shop state laws and local ordinances.
As the final step of a TIPS session, each participant will complete and pass a multiple-choice exam (given in English and/or Spanish) to receive their certification card, valid for three years in most areas. Contact us to discuss or schedule classes and pricing.